czwartek, 3 marca 2011

45 Adapters - kolejny potwierdzony wywiad

Kolejny potwierdzony wywiad do drugiego numeru to zespół z Nowego Jorku - 45 Adapters. Chłopaki grają coś co określają jako Oi! pomieszany z R'n'B. Czy to możliwe? Poniżej jeszcze nie tłumaczone jedno z pytań:

"On one picture i saw on drums Phil Templar. Is he part of the band?
We are looking for a drummer at the moment and Phil has been kind enough to fill in while we are looking. I’ve known Phil since I was 16 and he’s taught me a lot about music and bands. It’s been very exciting to play with him! We played our first show with him a couple of weeks ago after only one practice, the night before the show. People loved it and said we sounded great. I can’t wait for the next few gigs"

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